The BeltConveyor, is a continuous transport system consistingon a frame and a continuous rubber belt that moves between two rotative drums. Itis driven by anelectric motor connected to a gearbox which transmit the rotative movement to the driving drum, that drags the corresponding belt and transporting the product on it.
In our facilities, the belt conveyors transport the gypsum for filling the storage silos, or for feeding the Plaster/Anhydrite rotative kiln, whether it is indirect fire or direct fire.
* Apparent density of the product = 1.2 g / cm3
** Installed power depending on the length (A) and inclination of the belt.
Admitted products: Raw plaster, calcium carbonate, limestone, clays, feldspar, sepiolite, siliceous sands … to transport other materials consult the manufacturer.
OPTIONAL: Integral hoods for outdoors.